10 Steps To Creating a Low Dopamine Spiritual Morning Routine for Positivity
Reading Time: 10 minutes

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    Dopamine is the pleasure hormone that our brains release when we engage in pleasurable activities like eating delicious food or receiving a compliment.

    So why would you even need a Low Dopamine Morning Routine to stay positive? For that, we need to look at what most of us spend our time doing throughout the day. Are you spending a lot of time watching TikTok, Instagram reels or YouTube Shorts?

    Social media’s everywhere, right? Can’t picture a day without it. But, as much as it gives us those instant “heck yeah” moments and keeps us tight with our friends and families, it’s also like a dopamine candy store. 

    Social media, with its endless scrolling and notifications, can provide us with a rush of dopamine.

    However, Overdoing it on social media is like binging on that dopamine high, and oh dear! can that mess with our heads. Plus, grabbing our phones first thing? Bad vibes. Between the sad news and endless notifications, it’s a one-way ticket to Stressville.

    To dodge that mental health pitfall and kick off the day with some good juju, let’s ditch the morning phone routine. Let’s go for some solid feel-good stuff instead: think meditation, gratitude, some light moves, and those pep-talk affirmations.

      By taking a break from social media in the morning, we can reduce our exposure to excess levels of dopamine and create space for more intentional and positive habits that can help us start our day off right and raie your dopamine levels naturally. Remember, the world of social media will still be there when you’re ready to engage with it. But your mental health and well-being should always come first.

      What is a Low Dopamine Morning Routine?

      Dopamine’s this brain juice that plays a critical role in the brain’s reward system, it‘s all about the good vibes. Low Dopamine is  why we feel all pumped and focused. It’s basically our brain’s own little party popper. But too much of this stuff? Hello, addiction, anxiety and burnout.

      So, what does a low dopamine morning routine involve? It’s all about staying calm in the mornings and not cranking up that brain juice first thing. Skip the high intensity stuff that gets the brain all wild and focus is on engaging in low-stress, spiritually nourishing activities that promote calm and relaxation. Think zen, think calm, think some soul-soothing activities.

      You may be wondering, “If dopamine is responsible for pleasure and motivation, why would I want to reduce it?” The truth is, excess dopamine can actually be harmful to our mental and physical health.

      When we rely too heavily on external stimuli to feel good, we can become addicted to those stimuli and lose touch with our internal sense of well-being. This can lead to a cycle of seeking out more and more intense experiences to achieve the same level of satisfaction.

      Additionally, excess dopamine can lead to anxiety, stress, and burnout. By intentionally reducing dopamine levels through a low dopamine morning routine, we give our brains a chance to reset and restore balance.

      Benefits of a Low Dopamine Morning Routine

      There are numerous benefits to starting your day with a low-dopamine morning routine. Here are just a few:

      1. Reduced stress and anxiety: By engaging in calming activities that promote relaxation, you can start your day with a sense of calm and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
      2. Increased creativity: Low dopamine activities can stimulate the parts of the brain responsible for creativity and imagination.
      3. Improved focus and productivity: When we’re not constantly seeking out external stimuli, we can focus more easily on the tasks at hand and be more productive.
      4. Enhanced spirituality: By engaging in activities that nourish the spirit, such as meditation or prayer, we can connect more deeply with our inner selves and the world around us.

      10 Steps For A Low Dopamine Morning Routine For Positivity:

      Wake up at the same time every day

      Waking up at the same time every day is a simple but effective way to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Our bodies are naturally attuned to a 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm, which regulates various physiological processes, including our sleep-wake cycle. When we wake up at the same time every day, our body gets used to this schedule, and it becomes easier to fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day.

      Consistent wake-up times also have several benefits beyond improving sleep quality. For instance, waking up at the same time every day can help regulate our metabolism, digestion, and hormone levels, leading to better overall health. It can also help improve energy levels throughout the day, as our bodies are better equipped to handle the natural ebbs and flows of energy when we maintain a regular sleep schedule.

      Drink water first thing to start your low dopamine morning routine

      Water is the OG health drink. It’s like the body’s detox button – gets rid of any bad stuff, keeps us cool, smooths out the joints, and gives our skin that glow-up. Wake up feeling like a bit dull? It’s probably because you’re thirsty. So, first thing in the AM? Chug-a-lug to shake off that sleepy vibe.

      Morning H2O gets your metabolism grooving and might even help shed a few pounds. It’s nature’s “I’m good, thanks” to over-snacking. Plus, it helps our tummies break down the breakfast burrito or whatever you’re into, making sure we get all the good nutrients out of it, which can lead to better digestion and improved overall health.

      low dopamine morning routine spiritual morning routine morning routine chart

      Practice Gratitude to Have a Spiritual Morning Routine

      Practicing gratitude means intentionally focusing on the good things in your life and expressing appreciation for them. It is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset and improve your overall well-being.

      One effective way to practice gratitude is to set aside a few minutes each morning to reflect on what you are grateful for. This can be done through journaling using journal prompts or simply taking a moment to think about the things in your life that bring you joy and happiness. By intentionally focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you can shift your perspective away from negativity and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

      Another way to practice gratitude is to express it outwardly. This can involve thanking the people in your life who have made a positive impact, or even just taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature around you. By expressing gratitude, you not only benefit yourself but also those around you by spreading positivity and kindness.


      Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and achieve a state of calm and clarity. By setting aside time each day to meditate, individuals can reap numerous benefits for their mental and physical health.

      One of the primary benefits of meditation is that it can help improve focus and concentration. By quieting the mind and eliminating distractions, individuals can become more mindful and aware of the present moment. This increased awareness can help them to stay focused on tasks and goals, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.

      The low dopamine morning routine involves maintaining low dopamine levels in the morning to embrace a slower start.

      In addition to improving focus, meditation has also been shown to be an effective tool for reducing stress. By taking a few minutes each day to relax and let go of worries, individuals can lower their levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. This can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a greater sense of calm and relaxation.

      Do a light exercise

      In addition to boosting dopamine levels naturally and improving energy, incorporating light exercise into your daily routine can have many other benefits. It can improve circulation, enhance mood, reduce stress, and increase overall physical fitness.

      Examples of light exercises that can be done in the morning include:

      • Walking: Going for a brisk walk can help to get your heart rate up and provide a boost of energy to start your day.
      • Yoga: Practicing yoga poses can help to stretch and strengthen your muscles, improve balance and flexibility, and promote relaxation.
      • Stretching: A stretching routine can help to reduce muscle tension, increase range of motion, and improve circulation.
      • Bodyweight exercises: Doing simple exercises such as squats, lunges, or push-ups can help to improve strength and endurance.
      • Dancing: Putting on some music and dancing can be a fun way to get your heart rate up and boost your mood.

      Remember to listen to your body and choose exercises that feel comfortable and safe for you. And don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before and after exercising.

      Read or listen to something inspirational

      Incorporating an inspirational element into your daily routine can help set the tone for a positive and productive day. By taking a few minutes to read or listen to something motivational, you can shift your mindset and improve your overall mood and motivation.

      One of the benefits of reading or listening to something inspirational is that it can help you gain perspective on your life and the challenges you may be facing. It can help you see the bigger picture and focus on your goals, rather than getting bogged down in the details of day-to-day life. This can be especially helpful if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

      Self-help books are a popular choice for those looking for inspiration. These books can provide practical advice and tools for personal growth and development. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop strategies for overcoming obstacles. Some popular self-help books include “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale, and “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins.

      Create Positive Affirmations

      Positive Affirmations are positive statements that help you focus on your strengths and capabilities, and shift your mindset towards a more positive outlook. By repeating affirmations to yourself in the morning, you can improve your mood, boost your confidence, and increase your motivation to achieve your goals.
      Creating affirmations is a simple process that can be done by anyone. Start by identifying the areas in your life where you would like to see improvement. This could be related to your career, relationships, health, or personal growth. Then, brainstorm a list of positive statements that reflect your desired outcomes.
      Once you have identified your affirmations, it’s important to repeat them to yourself throughout the day. You can do this by writing them down and placing them in a prominent location, such as on your bathroom mirror or computer desktop. You can also repeat them silently to yourself during moments of stress or anxiety.
      It’s important to note that affirmations are most effective when they are specific, positive, and present tense. Avoid using negative language or focusing on what you don’t want. Instead, focus on what you do want and how you want to feel.

      Avoid Technology

      When we wake up in the morning, our brains are typically in a more relaxed and receptive state, making it an ideal time to set a positive tone for the day ahead. However, when we immediately reach for our phones or other devices, we can quickly become bombarded with information and stimuli that can trigger stress and anxiety.

      By avoiding technology for the first hour of the day, we give ourselves the opportunity to connect with our own thoughts and feelings, rather than being distracted by external inputs. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety and improve our overall mental health.

      Set Intentions for the day

      Setting intentions for the day is an effective way to help improve focus and motivation. When we set intentions, we create a sense of purpose and direction for our day. This can help us stay focused and motivated, and can also provide a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

      Setting intentions can be as simple as setting a specific goal for the day, such as completing a task or reaching a milestone. It can also involve visualizing a positive outcome, such as a successful meeting or a productive workday. By focusing on what we want to accomplish for the day, we can stay motivated and on track.

      To set intentions for the day, take a few minutes in the morning to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Consider what you want to accomplish for the day and visualize yourself achieving those goals. Write down your intentions or say them out loud to help solidify them in your mind. By setting intentions for the day, you can start your day with a sense of purpose and direction.

      Eating a nutritious breakfast

      Eating a nutritious breakfast is important for overall health and well-being. Breakfast provides the body with essential nutrients and energy needed to start the day. A balanced breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve brain function, and boost mood to increase your dopamine levels naturally.

      Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, and can help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the morning. Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts and seeds, can help improve brain function and provide sustained energy. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and fruits, can help regulate blood sugar levels and provide long-lasting energy.

      Some examples of nutritious breakfast options include oatmeal with nuts and fruit, scrambled eggs with whole-grain toast, or a smoothie with protein powder, spinach, and fruit. Avoid processed and sugary breakfast foods, as they can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels and a subsequent crash in energy.

      By starting your day with a nutritious breakfast, you can help boost dopamine levels, improve overall well-being, and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

      Tips for Creating Your Own Personalised Routine

      Now that you understand the benefits of a low dopamine morning routine, here are some tips for creating your own personalized routine:

      1. Wake up naturally: Instead of setting an alarm, try to wake up naturally when your body is ready. This will help you feel more rested and relaxed.
      2. Avoid screens: Instead of scrolling through your phone or computer, engage in activities that don’t involve screens, such as reading, writing, or stretching.
      3. Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes to practice mindfulness meditation or deep breathing to help calm your mind and reduce stress.
      4. Engage in low-intensity exercise: Instead of intense workouts, try gentle yoga, stretching, or a leisurely walk to get your body moving.
      5. Nourish your spirit: Engage in activities that nourish your spirit, such as prayer, gratitude journaling, or listening to uplifting music.
      6. Enjoy a nutritious breakfast: Instead of rushing to grab a quick breakfast, take the time to prepare a nutritious meal that will fuel your body and mind for the day ahead.

      By incorporating these tips into your morning routine, you can start your day with a sense of calm, positivity, and purpose. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate dopamine entirely but to find a healthy balance that promotes well-being and allows you to fully engage in life’s joys and challenges.


      In conclusion, having a low dopamine spiritual morning routine is an effective way to start your day on a positive note and promote overall well-being.

      By avoiding social media and instead prioritizing habits such as waking up at the same time each day, drinking water, practicing gratitude, meditating, and doing light exercise, you can reduce your exposure to excess levels of unnatural dopamine and improve your mood, energy levels, and productivity naturally throughout the day.

      Additionally, these habits have numerous benefits for physical health, such as improving digestion, boosting metabolism, and enhancing circulation. Overall, creating a low-dopamine morning routine is a simple but powerful way to promote positivity and well-being in your daily life. Remember, the world of social media will still be there when you’re ready to engage with it, but your mental and physical health should always come first.